A PPS account can be binded to an AlipayHK account through one-time registration, without re-entering of PPS account and password required in future. Simply double confirm information is correct before proceeding.
1. Open AlipayHK App, or download via AppStore/Play Store
2. Select Account, click on PPS to begin binding process
Login AlipayHK APP to bind PPS account
透過一次性登記,將 PPS 繳費靈連結AlipayHK 賬戶,往後便不需重覆輸入PPS 賬戶號碼及密碼。
1. 打開AlipayHK App,或於App Store / Google Play下載。
2. 在「我的」頁面點擊「PPS」進行連結流程。
進入 AlipayHK 進行綁定