
1. 於AlipayHK App內成功領取相應的電子優惠券,並於使用電子優惠券前告知店員用戶將以AlipayHK App付款及享用優惠

2. 用戶打開電子優惠券並按下「立即使用」後於限時內展示優惠條碼給店員掃描

3. 確定店員成功掃描條碼後按禮券頁面指示前往AlipayHK付款QR Code頁,合資格用戶付款時可享即時扣減優惠金額(優惠視乎指定產品)


1. 推廣期由2019年9月1日至2019年9月30日(包括首尾兩天) 。
2 .請於付款前出示此劵,每人只限使用此券乙次。
3. 不可與店內其他優惠或LOVE YOUR BODY™ 會員優惠同時使用,但可儲會員積分。
4. 商品優惠禮券數量有限,先到先得,領完即止,並在任何情況下以AlipayHK的電腦紀錄為準。 
5. 用戶必須根據活動規則領取及使用禮券,方可享用相關優惠。用戶在交易時須於指定時限內讓店員掃描有效的優惠條碼,並以AlipayHK App付款購買指定商品。完成交易後優惠恕不補發。
6. 用戶須將AlipayHK App更新至最新版本,於App「首頁」内的「獎賞」,即可查看已領取的禮券之詳情。
7. 優惠只適用於香港The Body Shop®分店(東涌東薈城分店除外)。部分商品只限指定店鋪有售。商品數量有限,售/送/換完即止。
8. 此優惠不可兌換現金或其他貨品及不可轉讓。
9. 商品圖片只供參考,以實物為準。AlipayHK對商戶提供之產品及服務質素及供應量恕不負責。
10. 禮券(包括優惠條碼)由商戶提供。AlipayHK於任何情況下均不會對合資格用戶未能成功領取或使用有關獎賞及/或遺失有關獎賞而負上任何責任。
11. AlipayHK及商戶保留毋須事先通知的情況下更改、暫停或取消本推廣或修訂其條款及細則的酌情權,AlipayHK及商戶恕不就任何更改、暫停或終止承擔任何責任,並對所有事宜及爭議保留最終決定權。

To participate:


1. Collect related e-coupon in AlipayHK App and tell the staffto enjoy the offer and pay by AlipayHK


2. Open the e-coupon and click “Use Now”. Present a valid barcodefor staff to scan within the time limit.


3. Confirm the barcode has been successfully scanned by the staff.Proceed to QR code payment page in accordance with instructions on the AlipayHKApp. Eligible users may enjoy instant deduction of the discounted amount upon payment(offer depends on the specified products).


Terms and Conditions:


1. The promotion runs from 1 September 2019 to 30 September 2019(both dates inclusive).

2 .Please present this coupon before payment and each user canapply the coupon once only.

3. Cannot use the coupon in conjunction with other in-store promotionor LOVE YOUR BODY™ member offer. Yet, the points of membership can be accounted.

4. Coupons are limited in quantity and on a first-come-first-servedbasis. AlipayHK’s records shall prevail under any circumstances.

5. In order to enjoy the reward, users must redeem and use thecoupon in accordance with the prescribed rules. Users should ask a staff memberof the merchant to scan the valid coupon barcode within the relevant time limitand proceed to purchase the specified product(s) with AlipayHK App. No refund isavailable after payment.

6. The AlipayHK App must be updated to the latest version. Usersmay go to the “Home” page and select “Reward” to read details of coupons redeemed.

7. The coupon can only be applied in the Hong Kong outlets ofThe Body Shop (except the branch in Citygate Outlet in Tung Chung). Certain productsmay be available at selected stores only. Products are limited in quantity and onlyavailable whilst stock lasts.

8. The discount cannot be exchanged for cash or other productand is non-transferable.

9. Photos are for reference only. AlipayHK shall not be liableor construed as providing any guarantee as to the quality and availability of theproducts and/or service provided by the merchants.

10. Coupons (including the barcodes) are provided by the merchants.AlipayHK shall bear no liability if users cannot successfully redeem or use therelevant rewards and/or the relevant reward is lost due to any circumstances.

11. AlipayHK and the merchants reserve the right to change, suspendor terminate the promotion or its terms and conditions at its sole discretion withoutprior notice. AlipayHK and the merchants shall not be liable for any such change,suspension or termination, and reserve the right of final decision of all mattersand disputes.