
1. 活動推廣期為2021年12月1日至12月31 日(包括首尾兩天)。

2. 推廣期內,特選AlipayHK用戶可透過AlipayHK手機應用程式於指定頁面領取港幣40元「Deliveroo 戶戶送獎賞」。禮券適用於Deliveroo 戶戶送網站或手機應用程式。用戶透過AlipayHK應用程式於Deliveroo 戶戶送網站或手機應用程式單一淨消費滿港幣150元或以上時方可使用禮券。


4. 於成功領取禮券後,AlipayHK將自動存放禮券至用戶的AlipayHK 應用程式賬戶內,於符合使用條件時自動扣減。用戶須將AlipayHK 應用程式更新至最新版本,於「首頁」内的「獎賞」,即可查看禮券詳情。

5. 禮券數量有限,先到先得,領完即止。任何情況下,以AlipayHK的紀錄為準。

6. 如對上述有關AlipayHK及其服務或優惠的使用方法及詳情有任何問題,請致電AlipayHK客戶服務熱線2245 3201查詢。

7. 如本條款及細則的中、英文版有所差異,一概以中文版為準。

——Terms & Conditions——

1. The promotion runs from 1 Dec 2021 to 31 Dec 2021(both dates inclusive).

2. During the Promotion Period, selected AlipayHK users may collect a HK$40 Reward on the designated page of their AlipayHK mobile application. The HK$40 Reward can be used upon a single net spending of HK$150 or above on Deliveroo website or Deliveroo mobile application when paying with AlipayHK.

3. Each Selected User can only redeem one HK$40 Reward during the Promotion Period. Each Coupon is valid within 15 daysfrom the date of its redemption. Expired Coupons are invalid and will not be re-issued. For the avoidance of doubt, the Coupons are only applicable in Deliveroo website or Deliveroo mobile application.

4. Upon successful redemption, AlipayHK will store the Coupon in the AlipayHK App account of the user automatically. The Coupon will be deducted automatically in applicable circumstances. The AlipayHK App must be updated to the latest version. Users may go to “Home” page and select “Reward” to read details of the Coupon. AlipayHK shall bear no liability if users cannot perform a successful redemption of relevant rewards and/or the relevant reward is lost due to any circumstances.

5. Coupons are limited in quantity and on a first-come-first-served basis. AlipayHK’s records shall prevail under any circumstances.

6. For any enquiries in relation to AlipayHK App and its services or offers, please call the AlipayHK customer service hotline at 2245 3201.

7. Should there be any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and the Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.